2016 Mellon IDRF Competition Is Now Accepting Applications
About the Fellowship
The Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) supports the next generation of scholars in the humanities and humanistic social sciences pursuing research that advances knowledge about non-US cultures and societies. The program is open to a range of methodologies, including research in archives and manuscript collections, fieldwork and surveys, and quantitative data collection.
The program is open to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences—regardless of citizenship—enrolled in PhD programs in the United States. Applicants must complete all PhD requirement except on-site research by the time the fellowship begins. Proposals that identify the United States as a case for comparative inquiry are welcome; however, proposals which focus predominantly or exclusively on the United States are not eligible.
Fellowship Terms
The IDRF program provides support for nine to twelve months of dissertation research. Applicants from select humanities disciplines are eligible to apply for a shorter international component within the nine to twelve months of support. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research plan, with a per-fellowship average of $20,000.
Application Deadline: November 3, 2015
Visit the program website for more information and application instructions: