The Office of Distinguished Scholarships, which is housed in the Honors Program in Graham Memorial building, is seeking to hire two year-long graduate students, each working approximately half time (10-30 hours per week, per person). The job is program assistant to the Director, helping to run the University’s processes for endorsing students for 15 prestigious scholarships, as well as outreach to the whole University to increase awareness of the many opportunities that are listed in our new STRIVE database. The position also involves holding open office hours for students with questions. It is a great Alt-ac career track, associated with the National Association of Fellowship Advisors.
Skills Required
- Excellent organization
- Attention to detail
- Ability to multitask
- Communication skills
- Ability to hold open office hours to answer students’ questions
To apply
E-mail the Director, Professor Inger Brodey at brodey@email.unc.edu. Positions to be filled as soon as possible.