2015-2016 PhD Lab in Digital Knowledge Scholar Application
Deadline: June 15, 2015
Special deadline for incoming students: August 15, 2015
Special deadline for incoming students: August 15, 2015
In Fall 2015, Duke’s PhD Lab in Digital Knowledge will begin its fourth year. The lab is based in the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute at Smith Warehouse, and partners with many existing programs on campus. Co-Directed by Professors Victoria Szabo and David Bell, the PhD Lab will stress practice along with theory and will strive to connect PhD Lab Scholars to a variety of programs already on the Duke campus and in the Triangle, in order to foster the most innovative new research and teaching technologies, methods, practices, and theoretical reflection.
For 2015-2016, the focus of PhD Lab Scholars will be to engage in digital projects and in a larger campus conversation about the future of digital research at Duke, particularly in the humanities. PhD Lab Scholars will be expected to participate in all lab activities in both the fall and spring semesters, including developing a digital project or participating closely in an existing digital project. We will sponsor a number of related workshops, symposia, and learn-by-doing initiatives designed to help PhD Lab Scholars use new methods in their research, develop new teaching methods, and also face the job market with the most cutting-edge theories and practices surrounding digital forms of learning, teaching, online instruction, and collaborative online publishing and research. PhD Lab Meetings will be held every other Monday, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Special events may be held on other days of the week.
Eligibility & Requirements
The PhD Lab will be limited to 12 Scholars. To participate as a PhD Lab Scholar, you must:
- be a doctoral student in a humanities or social science department OR in a program with a “digital knowledge” component that will benefit from a humanistic perspective OR be a MFA student in Duke’s Experimental and Documentary Media Arts program. (Please note: PhD students from other universities in the Research Triangle who meet these criteria are eligible to apply and will have all privileges of Duke students except that they will not be eligible for additional travel and research awards offered by Duke for Duke students.)
- have an interest in enhancing one’s skills, ideas, and research using digital tools and new ideas of online collaboration, community, and networks.
- have a set of skills and interests that can actively contribute to the community of the PhD Lab
If you are interested in applying, please fill out the application.
For additional details about the PhD Lab in Digital Knowledge visitsites.fhi.duke.edu/phdlab or email kaysi.holman@duke.edu.