**This position has been filled and is no longer available**
The Graduate School at UNC-Chapel Hill seeks a graduate student to be a Teaching Assistant for online Fall 2018 GRAD712, Leadership in the Workplace. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume/CV to psm@unc.edu.
The TA will be required to:
- Attend all GRAD712 synchronous sessions via Zoom. GRAD712 will meet online every Tuesday, 7 – 8:30 PM.
- Coordinate with the course instructor to manage the course Sakai site, including
- Post announcements
- Update content
- Monitor student assignments and send reminders when appropriate
- Support the course instructor in administrative and logistical duties as needed.
Skills needed:
- Experience developing and adding content to Sakai sites
- Strong organizational and communication skills
- Ideally, the TA will have experience moderating online meetings (e.g. in AdobeConnect, Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate, etc) to facilitate online break-out groups.
This is an excellent opportunity for a graduate student to improve their leadership skills through overseeing a leadership course.
Anticipated time commitment: Approximately 3-5 hours/week, although the time commitment will vary throughout the semester based on assignment due dates.
Compensation: $1,500
Deadline: Open until Filled