The Senior Associate Dean for Social Sciences and Global Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences has made a fund of $20,000 available to encourage departments to become more deeply involved in the University’s strategic global partnerships. Faculty and graduate students in College departments may apply for funding to initiate new collaborations with one of the six strategic partners:
- National University of Singapore
- King’s College London
- Universidad San Francisco de Quito
- Peking University
- Malawi Ministry of Health/Activity in Zambia
- Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Awards can be used for travel expenses for faculty or graduate students to visit a partner to facilitate research collaborations, joint conferences or workshops, serve on graduate student committees or engage in other collaborative activities. Other expenses may be considered. However, proposed initiatives must advance a partnership between institutions and not solely enable the applicant to conduct personal research or projects. Awards cannot be used for stipends, honoraria, consulting fees, or for students to enroll in courses/programs.
Award Information:
- Maximum award is $3,000 per person
- Funds must be spent by August 16, 2019
- Faculty applicants can be from any College unit. Preference is given to departments represented at the summit.
- Graduate student applicants must be full-time, degree-seeking, and returning to UNC for at least a semester after the proposed initiative. Students must have a faculty sponsor to apply and must be able to demonstrate how their engagement will further partnership activity for their department.
- There is no limit on the number of faculty or graduate student applicants per department.
Application Information and Instructions:
- Application deadline is January 11, 2019.
- Faculty members should complete the Faculty Application Form.
- Graduate students must have a faculty sponsor to apply. Faculty sponsors should complete the Graduate Student Application Form.
Applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of the Senior Associate Dean for Social Sciences and Global Programs, the Director of Global Relations for UNC Global, an Area Studies Center Director, and the Director of the Global Research Institute. Proposals are evaluated on the following criteria:
- Does the initiative include a strategic partner university?
- Does the initiative have the potential to advance a partnership? Does it expand a partnership to a new UNC-Chapel Hill unit or engage new faculty or students?
- Is the initiative adequate and appropriate to achieve the expected results?
- Is the proposal specific and well-written?
- Is the budget clear and reasonable? Are alternate sources of funding identified?
Program website:
Questions? Contact:
Melissa McMurray
International Liaison Officer, Global Relations
Phone: +1.919.537.3675